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U.S. Political Parties

Name: ________________________________
A political party that believes in democratic government but also that the government should run some of the largest parts of the economy
A political party that believes the government should control the entire economy, and there should be no private ownership of business
A body of individuals living as members of a community
A political party that believes in individual freedom and believes the only purpose of government is to protect this freedom
A system or organization for exercising authority over a body of people
A written statement of the goals of a political party
An organization that tries to get political power by electing members to public office so that their political ideas can become laws or policies
A preference, opinion or attitude that favors one way of thinking or feeling over another
A political party that believes the federal government should take a more active role in peoples' lives, particularly those in need
The members of a social organization who are in power
A person running for political office
A political party that is not one of the two major parties in the country; a minor party
A political system consisting primarily of two major parties, or less equal in strength