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Terms pertaining to space
Sudden emotional out burst of anger in toddler
opposit in direction
the formation of clesar and distrinct sounds in speech
Acting within he limits set by others
doing as one chooses rather then what others want
Development of small muscles especially those in the and and figures
Study of preffered word usage and order in a given language
Ability to recall and later imitate someone's behavior
A person sees with the way the person moves his or her hands
Pitched style in which the parents speck to their children
pattern of acticites respected at a regular time each day
sharing ieads and feelings
being caused by someone or something
ability to contural ones self and what one can d
feeling good about ones self and what one can do
development of small muscle especially those in the han
Stage of development in which a person is passing from one stage to anouther
Lengthening and thickening of muscles
ability to makle choives according to ones free will
Special underpants
Symbol systems in which words are used as labels for people
Development of arms and leg muscles