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Chapter 2 Concepts of Construction

An open web design used for supporting floors and roofs.
Counteracts the effects of loads such as wind and earthquakes.
Connecting plate made of thin steel used to connect components of trusses.
Outside members of a truss.
Direct pushing force; the opposite of tension.
Wall supporting no load other than its own weight.
Type of beam that is a framed structure usually consisting of a group of triangles.
Rod in tension used to hold parts of a structure together.
Group of struts, ties and panel points in a truss.
Beam that carries the load above a door or window in woodframe construction.
Beam that supports other beams.
Horizontal beam above a window that carries the weight above it.
Wall with fire-resistive rating designed to slow the spread of fire.
Load-bearing wall shared by two structures.
Weight of building contents.
Structural member that transmits a compressive force along along a straight path inline with the member.
Board nailed to wall studs to support wood joists.
Force perpendicular to the plane of the section, but does not pass through the section.
Beam rigidly attached at two points.
Beam supported a one end.
A wall made up of a single row of vertical masonry usually for visual appearance. Collapse hazard!!!
The weight of the building as well as fix service equipment.
Masonry unit laid horizontally and perpendicular to the course of brick.
Structural member that transmits forces perpendicular to such forces to the reaction points.
Usually found in heavy timber construction. Cut designed to allow floor collapse during fire so walls remain intact.