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The high points of the wave train
Vibrations travelling through a medium in the form of longitudinal pressure wave
The effect of intensity on the way the human ear perceives sound
The maximum distance that particles are displaced by a wave
The effect of frequency on the way the human ear perceives sound
The length of a single wave
States the angle at which the incident waves strike an obstacle is the same as the angle at which the reflected waves bounce off the obstacle
The reinforcement or cancellation that occurs when two or more waves meet
Type of pulse that occurs when particles are squeezed together
The SI unit of frequency
The strength of a sound wave
Sounds with pitches below the audible range
The spreading out of a wave after it passes through a narrow opening
The substance through which a wave transfers its energy
The low points of a wave train
A periodic back and forth motion that transmits energy
Change in frequency caused by an object's motion
Speeds above the speed of sound
A loud noise
The time needed for one cycle of a wave to pass