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Teen Health

This type of STI cannot be cured.
A family of drug that is also known as "bloom" "cloud nine" and "scar-face".
Social, Emotional, Intellectual, Physical, Spiritual, and Occupational are _____ of wellness.
Common examples include analgesics and cough and cold medication. (ABBR)
When your body starts to need something.
psychological and emotional well-being.
More of a drug is need to get high.
Chemical substance that change body function or mood.
Symptoms of this include redness around the mouth, vomiting , and confusion.
When your lung are inflamed and your airway is narrowing you might be suffering from ______.
Condoms can help protect you from catching this.
Having a positive belief about yourself is a healthy sign of this.
The most effective form of birth control and STI prevention.
Feeling like there are too many pressures and demands put on you.
When you want to stop but can't, and your body has physical cravings for something you are suffering from what?
A twelve step program is an example of ____.
A common gateway drug.
This virus was an epidemic in the US during the 1980's
Eating unusually large amounts of food followed by purging.
putting a sedative in a person’s drink at a party is an example of this.