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Energy Transformation Game

An organism that makes its own food from light
A path showing the potential energy form of one organism
Different organisms in a shared enviourment
Organism that feeds off of plants
A group of organisms that belong to the same species
Plant and animal groups in a geological region
The position of an organism in relation to the flow of energy
Biomass productivity at multiple tropic levels
Provides organisms with its basic needs to survive
A relationship where it benifits both species
A living factor
A common demand by two or more organisms
Symbiosis that benefits both organisms
An organism that cant make its own food so they eat other things
The way in which the organism fits in its enviourment
An organism that gets its energy from eating meat
The interacting of organisms with their physical enviourment
Uses primary energy source to conduct photosynthesis
A complex arrangement of interacting food chains
Nonliving factor
An organism that eats both plants and meat
All parts of the planet that are inhabited by living things
A relationship between two organisms
Movement and exchange of of organic and inorganic matter
The practice of non living as a parasite in or an other organism
An organism that gets energy from other organisms
The praying of one animal on others
Ability to cause change