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The Miracle Worker

The woman had a great _______, which made everyone want to hang out with her.
The child stared_____ at his parents for not getting him the toy he wanted.
The man had no _______ and slapped his boss across the face.
The ______ child eats one meal a day, and barely gets any sleep.
Conversation; An actor alone onstage, obviously speaking to someone who is not standing there with them.
Hints to future events in a play.
A particular way of speaking to a region class or trade.
A sad end in a drama.
The sight of his son opening his presents, gave the father a very______ feeling.
Children have great _____ and love running around outside.
Newborn babies can be very ______, as they often have food all over their face.
A performer who assumes the role of a character in a play.
An ______ had to come over, and update my prescription for glasses.
The_______ child started writing books at the age of five.
Spoken conversation.
The boy _______ called his mom useless.
The _______ woman loved to buy gifts for others.
When an actor stands alone onstage, and speaks aloud his/her thoughts.
The mother spoke in a ______ tone, to try and calm her saddened son.
The infant ______ watched his mother, with a puzzled look on his face.
Great ______ comes to those who do not accept Jesus.
The man ______ slapped his boss.
A smaller section of an act in a play.
The man waited in ______ while staring at the waters edge.
A major division of a play.