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Great Expectations

12. How many siblings did Charles have
47. What does Herbert Pocket call Pip
34. How many pounds did pip give to Herbert
8. John Dickens was put into
24. Who is Herbert’s girlfriend
35. Who met Pip at the "little sluice house by the limkin"
Who bought out Pip's apprenticeship contract
21. Dickens left his wife to live with
16. The captured convicts are taken
What is pips first name
39. Who teaches pip the alphabet
Who does estella not like
What does pip steal from the pantry
14. What is Charles dad’s name
49. Who bought out Pip's apprenticeship contract
26. How did Charles dickens die
42. What is the name of Ms. Havisham's House
44. Who is represented as being a "Hercules" in the first stage
41. What day does Pip first go to Ms. Havisham’s?
33. How many pounds did pip receive on his birthday
18. When pip knocks down the boy that wants to fight what does Estella let pip do
3. Where does Estella go to educated
45. This man is the wheelright
29. Who does pip like
48. What is Joe's favorite song?
13. What was Charles’s mom’s name
9. Dickens got his start with a serial publication called
6. Who is pips sister’s attacker
23. Where does pip make arrangements to stay at with
37. Who does Pip think will be waiting for him at this house after helping the convict?
5. The Victorian era was named after
About how many years did queen Victoria reign
28. Who is the crazy lady with the cake in her house?
17. What is in miss Havisham’s house
15. When does, the story come out on
22. By this time, Pip is expected to be at Miss Havisham's every what
25. What does Pip do to lessen his guilt about snubbing Joe
27. What is pips sister known for
40. What is orlicks first name
36. What does Pip's sister call the cane she uses to beat Pip?
11. How many hours did Charles work
30. Who was Estella married to
4. The journey from Pip's little existence in the country to London took how many hours