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Evidence for Evolution

All organisms shared a ______ ____ base on structure.
Any of the five bones of the hand.
Evidence of common ancestry among species comes from many sources.
The features that are similar in function but different in structure.
A observation and experimentation.
Relating to the bones forming the human carpus (wrist), or to their equivalent in an animal's forelimb.
The features that are similar in structure but different in function.
A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
The thicker and shorter of the two bones in the human forearm.
With new technology, molecular ____ evidence shows evolutionary relationships between species.
______indicates that various organisms share a common ancestor.
The bone of the upper arm or forelimb, forming joints at the shoulder and the elbow.
The remnants of organs or structures that had a function in an early ancestor.
A bone of the finger or toe.
The _____ distribution of species shows how organisms adapt to new environments.
The oldest known fossil bird, of the late Jurassic period.
An individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
_____ provide a record of evolution.
______ shows similarities between organisms as they are developing.
The thinner and longer of the two bones in the human forearm, on the side opposite to the thumb.