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Personality Type

Professor G. Gary Rhine
FSW Cornerstone Experience Class
Freud and Jung were both interested in the nature of the ___________.
People are born with _________ preferences
Carly Jung, is considered by many to be a _______of Sigmund Freud
Carl Jung is credited with being the founder of ______________Psychology.
Sensing types often see intuitives as ______.
_______ is one of Jung's original primary colors and represents Feeling.
________-Red represents instincts in Jungs later addition of the color spectrum representing a deeper unconscious
Sigmund Freud is credited with being the founderr of ___________
_________types like to postpone decisions
_________types make decisions based on values.
The ________ has nothing to do with skill, ability, intelligence or mental health.
__________often see introverts as "closed off".
Thinking types often see feeling types as ________
A ________ preference score is indicative of clarity
____________ types Focus on here and now
_________types make decisions based on logic
A _________preference choice means one would choose it more often if given the choice.
Carl Jung theorized there are 4 ________ functions.
__________represents that part of ourselves that we let people see.
Gathering ___________ is addressed in the sensing-intuition preferential dyad.
A _______preference score means their is a marginal type preference
There are _______ pscyhological opposites
Freud and Jung were both interested in developing a ___________ tp understand similarities and differences between people.
The central guiding and organizing component of the Pscyhe is called the _________.
__________is one of Jung's original primary colors and represents Intuition
The _________ refers to the darker side of our personality-according to Jung.
Intuitives often see sensing types as ___________
Feeling types often see thinking types as being __________
Perceptive types often see judging types as ___________.
Judging types often see perceptive types as ____________
_________types prefer to decide rather than await more information
_________ is one of Jung's original primary colors and represents Thinking.
__________ are often very creative
Thinking & Feeling are both ____________ ways of coming to a decision.
Myers and Briggs spent ________ years developing the MBTI instrument.
The central component of consciousness is called _______
Ultra ________ represents the "instinctual image" (archetype) of the deeper unconscious
There are _______different personality types
_Introverts often see extraverts as __________.
__________ is one of Jung's original primary colors and represents Sensing.