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The Contender

Alfred's manager who buys him his robe
A friendly fight against people you know and it doesn't count
Addicted to drugs
Alfred's hangout when he and James were kids
Invented a cream to help with cuts
Alfred loves to do this in the morning
What Mr. Donatelli teaches Alfred
Gets beaten by Bud
The small bag that Alfred needs to be able to make sound like a machine gun
Fights in Madison Square Garden and stops fighting
Where Alfred goes with Major and Major almost gets caught for stealing a car.
The city where the book takes place
Alfred's way of bettering himself
Ends up working as a vegetable man at the end of the book
Alfred's cousin who is going to college
What James's father threw away
The number of little girls that Aunt Pearl has
Owner of the gym who stops the fight between Becker and Willie Streeter
What Alfred hopes to be
Interested in opportunity for advancement
Alfred's legal guardian
The main character who pushes himself
James ends up on this after he robs the Epstein's store
Beats Alfred up
A school teacher who used to be a fighter
The name of the Epstein brother who used to box