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Earth and Plates

What part of the mantle is made up of soft rock that bends like plastic?
Earth's mantle is a layer of hot ___?
A rock with a fine, dark texture that makes up the oceanic crust
Any trace of an ancient organism that has been preserved in rock is called a ?
Scientists believe that what part of the Earth that is made of liquid iron and nickel moves to produce the Earth's magnetic field?
A rift valley forms at what kind of boundary
What process continually adds new crust to the ocean floor along both sides of a mid ocean ridge?
The ocean floor sinks beneath a deep ocean trench and back into the mantle in a process known as what?
When continental plates pull apart at a divergent boundary on land, what forms?
The formation of volcanoes and mountain ranges can be explained by the theory of?
Subduction occurs where the oceanic crust bends down toward the mantle at a what?
A collision between two pieces of continental crust at a converging boundary produces a?
The place where two plates come together is known as what type of boundary
Using data from seismic waves, geologists have learned that Earth's interior is made up of several what?
The energy from the sun that warms your face is transferred by a process called what?
The lithosphere is broken into ______? that float on top of the asthenosphere?