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Oral Path Exam 1

"starry sky" pattern
Topical antiviral used for recurrent HSV
Koplik spots
Systemic antiviral taken twice a day
Pathologic loss of tooth structure from a mechanical process
Physiologic loss of tooth structure from tooth to tooth contact
Which systemic anti-viral is taken up to 5 times a day
Another term for median rhomboid glossitis
Another term for mumps
Systemic antiviral taken only once a day
Another term for condensing osteitis
Habitual grinding of the teeth; pathologic form of attrition
Another term for Garre's osteomyelitis
Which systemic antiviral is taken twice a day for primary herpes
Another term for herpetic whitlow
Another term for chronic hyper plastic pulpitis
Pathologic loss of tooth structure from tooth flexure during mastication
Woody tongue
Occurs only on bound down mucosa
Which ganglion is typically affected in HSV