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Error Prevention Tools

HRO Crossword
Helping others and expecting others will help us. (2 words)
A technique to ensure information is heard correctly by repeating it back (4 words)
5:1 _____Seek to provide positive feedback when you see it, five times more often than discouraging feedback
I am Concerned, I am Uncomfortable, This is a Safety issue
A technique to ensure information is heard correctly by repeating what is said (4 words)
A tool for planning and structuring concise communication
Probing to ensure you understood the information communicated (2 words)
Stop, Think, Act, Review
Phonetic and Numeric_______Used to differentiate sound-alike words and numbers to ensure information is heard correctly.
An internal consistency check. does the information make sense?
If there is any problems or inconsistencies, resolve the concern using an independent, qualified source