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ILS Crossword

The only Supreme Court Justice from Queen's law (for now)
Latin term for the doctrine of precedent (no space between words)
Top of the legal sources hierarchy
Standard of proof in a criminal Trial (no space between words)
A court's determination of a matter of law based on the issue presented in the particular case
Online legal research service
The first part of the Constitution Act, 1982 (acronym)
Professional association that regulates Ontario's lawyers and paralegals
Someone who may take affidavits
A mock trial set up as an academic exercise
Lead author of the ILS textbook
To argue that the holding of a precedent case should not apply due to materially different facts
English Judge famous for ignoring precedent and altering the common law; Master of the Rolls
Alberta criminal case in which the judge relied on an unconstitutional statute: R v _____
A case that does not fit the trend of everything else you have found
Acronym for how to approach legal research
A litigant's written submission