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Kines 81

Ability of the body to function at the optimal efficiency
Disease related to an inactive lifestyle (e.g. obesity)
A principle where changes occurring with exercises are reversible
The ability of a muscle to exert repeated force against resistance or to sustain muscular contraction
A principle where people vary in their ability to develop fitness components
Final segment of an exercise session
A principle where fitness refers to two concepts: developing muscular fitness and addressing all five fitness components
An activity using the same muscles that will be used in the conditioning bout but at lower intensity
Bout which is the main part of the workout
Movement of a joint through a full range of motion
Ability of a muscle to exert maximal force against resistance
A gradual increase in physical activity, working a muscle group beyond an accustomed level
Involves participating in 2+ types of exercise in one session or alternate sessions
An important beginning to an exercise session
Stretching with jerking and bouncing movements at the end of the flexibility range - can injure cold muscles
Amount of body fat in proportion to fat free tissue
A principle where only muscles being exercised will show beneficial changes