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What is Life? Unit 9

Jelly-like substance in cells
Chemical used as food source that contains energy
Nucleotide base links to Guanine
DNA structure
Contain DNA, extract and convert energy, sense changes, and reproduce.
Smaller components inside a cell that have individual tasks
Term for offspring that hear, see, and move around independently at birth
Deoxyribonucleicacid molecule
Outer covering surrounding a cell
Starch form contained in leaves
Smallest, most basic unit of life
Number of criteria to meet to signify life
Term for offspring that are dependent for in hearing, seeing, movement, temperature regulation, or waste elimination
All processes in organisms that convert and use energy and matter to sustain life
Green plants way of using energy from sun and simple chemicals to produce their own food
How organisms sense conditions in environment
Most important organelle in cell
Two or more atoms linked together to form a substance
Cells without a nucleus
Nucleotide base links to Thymine