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Dietary Fuels

Building blocks of fat
Starts with bigger molecules and breaks them down into smaller molecules
Adenine without ribose is just...
7 kcal/gram
Heterocyclic base (purine or pyrimidine) and glycosidic bond connected to pentose sugar (ribose or deoxyribose).
The main purpose of fuel oxidation is to generate what?
Milk sugar
The energy of electron transfer used to convert ADP & Pi to ATP
Fruit sugar
Major dissacarride in diet
The making of new glucose from non-carbohydrate starting materials. Has three main precursors- glycerol, lactate and amino acids
Building blocks of proteins
Unused fuel can be stored as ____ or glycogen within the body
Large number of chemicals which have no nutritional value, are of no use to our body and can be harmful if consumed in large quantities
Blood sugar & dextrose
Takes small building blocks (like amino acids) and makes something bigger (protein synthesis)
Building blocks of carbohydrates
When major fuels are oxidized to CO2 and H20 in our cells, energy is released by the transfer of electrons to O2. The energy creates ATP. The generation and utilization of ATP is referred to as the...
Fat stores this fuel in adipocytes
Major monosaccaride in diet
Major polysaccaride in diet
Table sugar & cane sugar
Adenine & ribose together
Carbohydrates store this fuel in the liver & skeletal muscles