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Romans 7

Even some _____ into sin are consistent with being a growing Christian.
For our _____ we can only ever look to God's Son, dying on a cross for us.
According to Keller, although sin remains in us, it no longer _____ us.
Keller bases his interpretation of Romans 7 on _____ _____.
"For I do not do the good I want, but the _____ I do not want is what I keep on doing."
"Thanks be to _____."
The law cannot _____ us.
_____ is a desire to do something for no other reason than because it is forbidden.
He told the story of the Pear Tree.
There is a desperate cry of _____ as we look at our own efforts and failings.
"For we know that the law is _____, but I am of the flesh.
Keller argues that in Romans 7 Paul is describing his experience as a ________.
Even as Christians, we are _____ of keeping the law.
"For I know that nothing good _____ in me.
According to Keller we all have a deep desire to be in charge of the world and be _____.
The more mature we get, the more we see the sin in our _____.
"But I see in my members another law _____ _____ against the law of my mind.
"For I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I _____.
"But sin, seizing an opportunity through the commandment, produced in me all kinds of _____.
But now we are _____ from the law...(Romans 7:6)
The law aggravates or _____ sin in us.
The 10 commandments refer to inward attitudes and _____.
No one gets so advanced that they don't _____ with sin.
"_____ man that I am!"
They thought of sins only in terms of external actions.
Even if we are good externally, _____ we are all sinners.
"For I do not _____ my own actions."
Paul's words offer a two-fold _____ and a wonderful comfort to us.
Sin is the _____, the law, which is good, is its weapon.
TThe main purpose of the law is to show us the _____ of sin.