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Types of Evidence

Eyewitness accounts of a crime.
Can be matched to weapons or tools marks or determine the weapon’s size, shape, and length.
Physical and chemical analysis can indicate its class (type) and individual characteristics.
Examples include shoeprints, tire tracks, bite marks, and tool marks.
This can be extracted from any tissue-hair, fingernails, bones, teeth, and body fluids.
Studying this may involve analyzing the paper used, printing method, or handwriting.
Can be used to determine characteristics such as sex, race, age, and stature.
GSR and rifling can be used in connecting a suspect to the weapon.
Unique ridge characteristics can be used to identify a suspect or victim.
Examination can determine the chemical composition to identify type and origin; materials used can be compared to evidence found in the suspect’s possession.
These may be transferred from a suspect to a victim and vice versa.
These can reveal where a person has traveled and may be picked up at a crime scene or let behind.
This type of evidence can be detected with chemicals and UV light and can include blood, semen, saliva, sweat, and urine.
When an object is broken, torn, or cut, two unique edges are formed.
Properties of this include color, tint, thickness, density, chemical composition, and RI.
Any material items that is present at the crime scene or on the victims.
Physical evidence that is found at a crime scene in small but measurable amounts.