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Data Quality Review

Measured in NTU
Taken to the field and opened. The returned to lab
Known amount of compound mixed into sample to check lab accuracy.
General measure of data quality less than 5%
A set of procedures in a sampling plan that enhances the quality of the data
DI water poured through bailer then taken to the lab.
The degree to which a data set can be compared with previous or other data sets for statistical purposes.
Check for contamination of sample that might lead to false positive.
Assessed by calculating the RPD
One of the PARCC parameters that is worked toward to ensure that what you sample in the well would be also found in the aquifer beyond the radius of the well
A measure of the repeatability of results
Degree of agreement between the sample concentration and the "true" concentration
Samples taken that verify or check on the quality of the samples
Closely associated with TDS
Error that could occur due to sampling, lab work, or natural conditions.
Error that occurs consistently and systematically due to sample design plan