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CON-280-DL Crossword 2

Clause that addresses cost reimbursement contract overruns - Limitation of ____
Accelerated option for protests at GAO
Unit of measure for protest timeliness
Process required to confirm indirect rates for payment on cost reimbursement contracts
Venue for submitting protests
Alternate description for "URL" address
Action taken by GAO when rejecting an offeror's protest
Type of ratio used to compute contractor fee on a CPIF contract
Underlying database for contractor performance information
Entity with a vested interest in a protest outcome is called an interested _____
Description of costs that reasonably belong to a particular contract
Official responsible for the preparation and filing of the Source Selection Decision Document
Description of an exception from a contractual requirement
Acronym for alignment with regulation or policy
Sampling method for contractor performance oversight
Suspension of award while addressing a protest is call ed a CICA ____
Action taken when an offeror is eliminated from the competitive range
Costs that the Government agrees to pay under a cost reimbursement contract
Remedies for contractors who wish to file for additional payment or delivery schedule relief
Publicizing action that must be taken to exercise certain contract options
A term or condition that must be passed on to subcontractors by the prime is called a flow____
Acronym for accounting guidance for determining costs under a cost reimbursement contract
The COR is considered to be the ____ and ears of the Contracting Officer
Action taken to provide eliminated offerors with feedback on an award decision
Type of modification for the exercise of an option under an existing contract
Team which evaluates proposals and submits a report to the SSAC or SSA
Remedy for offerors who assert they were unfairly treated and should have been awarded a contract
Status of a contractor who commits fraud in certifying its invoice data under a contract
Alternate term for the contractual imperative
Acronym for request of materials related to a procurement