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Older Adult and Chronic Illness

Facility that allows older adults to be cared for daily
Due to decreased saliva or medications
Acute confusion
Delirium, Retention, Impaction, Polypharmacy
Health promotion strategy to prevent respiratory illnesses
Negative attitude towards aging
Medication to calm a patient
Exercise to stregthen pelvic muscles
Illness lasting more than 6 months
Type of memory that declines during old age
Financial neglect of a patient
Allows competent person to document what medical care they wish to receive
Thickening of heart wall
Decreased proliferation of epidermis and dermis causes this
Use of multiple medications
Stress caused by caring for a chronically ill patient
Chronic memory loss
Routine to promote better sleep
Level of prevention the prevents occurrence of a specific disease
Caused by decreased vaginal secretions
Common clinical manifestation in the elderly due to infection
Acronym used to asssess important nutritional indicators