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Puzzle: Encephalopathy (SWells)

These are the results: shake the brain inside the skull, resulting in bruising, broken blood vessels, or nerve damage to the brain.
_________ is one of may tools used to investigate TBI.
When you take a hard hit to the head but there's no outward bleeding or opening in the skull, it could result in this condition.
Signs of a ____________ include headaches, vomiting, and trouble with balance.
A _______ TBI can do enough damage to knock you unconscious for a longer period of time. It can even lead to a coma or death.
A ______ ____ _______ is any blow to the head that's hard enough to affect the brain's function.
The skull is pretty tough. But if it's hit hard enough, it can crack. That's called a ___________. If the sharp edges of a fractured skull bone press into the brain, they can damage the delicate tissues and lead to bleeding in the brain.
_______ is when an object penetrates the skull and goes into the brain.
A TBI can be mild or severe. A concussion is a _____ TBI
A __________ is caused by a jolt that shakes your brain back and forth inside your skull. Any hard hit to the head or body -- whether it's from a football tackle or a car accident -- can lead to a concussion. Although a concussion is considered a mild brain injury, it can sometimes leave lasting damage. This is more likely if you don't rest long enough to let your brain fully heal afterward and you reinjure your brain.