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You can get lactose through this food item
A carbohydrate that requires more work for the body to digest
Form of carbohydrate that supplies energy to the body
This food is a good source of complex carbohydrates.
The simplest form of carbohydrates
The hormone that stabilizes our blood sugar
Enriched grain products have this mineral added
This is found in fruits
A condition caused by the accumulation of ketones in the blood and urine
When insufficient carbohydrates are eaten the liver will produce what
Helps the liver convert glycogen to glucose
Sucrose, maltose, and lactose are known as
A condition when glucose levels are low
A product of the digestion of milk
A primary source of fiber, found on the skins of fruits
The body's main source of energy
A polysaccharide found in grains and vegetables
High blood glucose levels can lead to what disease
This is also called roughage
How many calories are in one gram of a carbohydrate