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Lessons 1-6 Review

The life of Jesus written by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Sacrament that feeds you with Christ's Life
An author of a Gospel
Perfumed oil blessed by the Church used in the rites of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders.
Anointed one
Anointed one or Messiah
Invoking the Holy Spirit and/or Calling to office to do the work of God
Hebrew word for Peace; state of harmony; combination of all blessings bestowed by God
Ritual/tradition of coming together
An author of a Gospel
Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist
An author of a Gospel
People of God called together through the Holy Spirit
Sacrament that strengthens and reaffirms the effects of Baptism and renews the Baptismal promises by rejecting Satan
Ancient liturgical ritual where Christians share the blessings of Christ's peace.
Prince of Peace; God Saves; Son of God
An author of a Gospel
State of no war
An effective sign of Christ
Stories that make comparisons in order to teach something ex. The Sower
Sacrament that begins new life; cleanses original sin
Third person of God in the Holy Trinity
God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit
When the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ through the priest's words and actions through the Holy Spirit during the Liturgy of the Eucharist
Someone who carries the blame or guilt of others
Participation of the Church in the "work of God"
Smear or rub with oil; apply oil as a sacred rite; to choose by divine election
Passages in the Book of Isaiah in the OT that describe the sufferings of the servant of Yahweh (YHWH) who will redeem God's people. Tells of the savior to come (prefigures).
Members of Church are one in Christ; Holy Eucharist
Contract with God
All of God can't be understood; an "inexpressable gift"
Author of the Servant Poems in the Bible
The all-knowing creator; the Father