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Food Safety Modernization Act v1

The party responsible to demonstrate to shippers and, upon request, to receivers, that they have maintained appropriate temperature controls for the food during the transportation cycle
A basic sanitary transportation practice
Bad things that can grow on food if transported or stored at the wrong temperature
One of the eight major food allergens named by the FDA
A term describing when food is unintentionally cross-contacted with a food allergen
Food and Drug Administration
Food not fit to eat due to a transport temperature, storage temperature, contamination, or other issue
A party who may ask a carrier to demonstrate that the product transported was transported under the temperature specified by the shipper for sanitary transport
The process of bringing a trailer to the shipper's written temperature before loading
The party responsible for communicating to carriers, in writing, the sanitary requirements for vehicles or transportation equipment to be provided for all food subject to the Food Safety Modernization Act
The party who must determine that the transportation equipment (trailer) is in appropriate sanitary condition