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Where the Red Fern Grows (Ch. 1-9)

Teacher: Mrs. Wheelus/Mrs. Kirkland
Territory over which rule or control is exercised
Serious, grave, or solemn
Inactive but capable of being active
Persuading by pleading or flattery
Overhang at the edge of a roof
A notable or distinctive feature or characteristic
To cry or wail loudly
Rate of speed for walking or running
Hanging loosely or swinging
Afflicting or worrying persistently
A railroad or bus station
To satisfy
Marked by an aggressive disposition; savage
Severe or radical in nature; extreme
Bending or flexing readily; pliable
To walk with short steps that tilt the body
Cunning or trickery
Rubbing or pushing against gently with the nose
Something that opposes or holds up progress
Preventing free movement or action
Screaming or crying loudly
Uttering a deep prolonged bark
Gone over extensively
Sudden sharp spasms of pain
Deep distress or misery
An idea or conception