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Confirmation Crossword

Prayer in Honor of St. Catherine of Siena
Marks the beginning of Lent
Jesus taught how members of God's Kingdom on Earth are to live.
Moses came down the mountain and delivered these
First part of Mass
Starts our father, who art in heaven...
Old Testament promise of love and partnership that God made with Moses
First sacrament, removal of original sin
Words, actions, or desires contrary to God's Law
A priest who receives the highest degree of Holy Orders to lead the diocese
50 Days after Easter, 10 days after Ascension
Knowing and freely choosing to do something that is wrong, but it is not so serious
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate
The churches' office that teaches on faith
Prayer said during Reconciliation
Forty Days before Easter
Sacrament of the Gift of the Holy Spirit
A story told to teach a lesson
Special Events of Holy Week, three
The Priest in charge of a church or congregation