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Haircutting Terms

Removing bulk without shortening the length; changes appearance, behavior of hair; use shears, thinning shears, clipper or razor
The foundation on which a curl or implement is placed; the area at or near the scalp
The angle at which the hair is extended from the head; degrees forward or reverse
Small circular motions with razor and comb for texturizing
Haircut performed at 90 degrees with a moveable guide; short, even layers throughout the style with a strong perimeter
Pressure applied while combing and holding a section; stretching or pulling the section
Thinning out the in dips using the tips/points of the shears
Angle at which the hair is held from the head; aka elevation
Graduated, bevel, or stacked shape at the perimeter of a haircut; usually cut at medium elevation
Graduation created by cutting at 90 degrees or above; use elevation or over-direction
Method used to cut around the ears and down the sides of the neck
Section of hair, either perimeter or interior, that determines the length the hair will be cut
Cutting by holding the hair in position with fingers
Visible line or weight in a cut, either desirable or undesirable; area where a percentage of hair ends hand at the same length
Process of visualizing the procedure of the finished styled haircut
Points marking surface changes or changes in hair behavior: ears, jaw line, occipital, apex; used in creating a balanced style
Haircut performed with a stationary top guide; shorter layers at the top with increasing length to the perimeter
The hair ends are all cut flush; accomplished using shears at a 90 degree angle to the strand; no graduation visible
Usually the perimeter of a haircut
Haircut with even blend from shorter to longer moving up the head
Finishing a haircut with shears, razor, or trimers
Space between intersecting lines, the degree to which the hair is held away from the head
The widest area of the head; aka the parietal ridge or hat band