Salt can cleanse an open wound, but also can be an
Sodium is made of ______ ions
Turns salty water into salt
His wife was turned into a pillar of salt because she disobeyed God (Gen. 19:26)
An I.V. ______ contains saline water
Myth: Salt can't really lose its savor (?)
A slothful worker is not worth this
The Dead Sea is "dead" because it "receives" but never "gives"
Jews and Muslims make meat ______ by using salt to remove the blood from freshly slaughtered meat
Chloride ions are _____ .
A process used to make salt
The Dead Sea is ______ times saltier than other bodies of water
This salt can become "unsalty"
The Roman military used salt for _____________.
Places where salt can be found
Two or more elements make this
Man and animals need this to live
"Take this animal to the water, but you can't make it drink" (plural)
The connection between Matt. 5:13 and Luke 14:34, 35
Can be destroyed by using salt
Your blood contains ______ amounts of sodium and chloride--approximately .15% each
Without it food tastes bland
(J0b 6:6)
This River is the main source of water flowing into the Dead Sea
In Bible days, newborn ______ were rubbed with salt (Ezek. 16:4)