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Circle of Grace - Boundaries and Limits

I am ______ when anything causes harm to me or others.
A border or limit to keep ourselves safe within our Circle of Grace.
A secret that is safe and does not hurt others or me.
Something I sense inside myself (angry, sad, happy) which gives me information about others.
A grown-up who helps me to stay safe in my Circle of Grace.
A sign that tells me something is safe or unsafe.
Touch that is disrespectful and hurts, scares, or makes me feel uncomfortable or confused.
To break a law, promise, or boundary.
Being able to count on someone to help me stay safe in my Circle of Grace.
God's presence within me.
A secret that will hurt me or someone else if I don't tell.
Touch that respects me and others.
Something I know but I do not tell.
I am ____ when my body and my feelings are respected by me and by others.