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Sacrament Crossword

Sacrament involving the Holy Spirit
Someone who has received Holy orders but cannot be married
Sacrament of turning bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ
Sacrament to remove original sin
Exaggerated opinion of one's worth
Envious of a neighbor's good fortune
Desire for impure pleasures
Poured over ones head during baptism
Someone who has received Holy Orders but can be married
Sacrament of confessing one's sins
Sacrament of joining a man and a woman
Typically ministers the sacrament of confirmation
Another word for reconciliation
Drinking and eating too much
Expression of displeasure
Sacrament by which priest is ordained - Holy _________
Last rites is also the Anointing of the ___________
Action priest directs you to do after confession
Number of deadly sins