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Pollution Review Unit 7

Pollution and __________ can lead to the loss ocean species and healthy ecosystems
Algal blooms can block sunlight which results in a decrease in this type of gas in the water
Helps filter out and remove pollutants as water slowly seeps through the soil
The Clean Water Act was passed to help prevent this source of pollution that can be clearly identified
Seaweed, fish and __________ are most immediately effected by storm drain pollution
Percent of nonpoint source oil pollution in the oceans
The build up of toxins in the predators at the top of the food chain
Large absorbent sponges that soak up oil in the water
All water in Texas eventually drains into the Gulf of ___________
Nitrogen and Phosphorus are often used on lawns as a type of ______________
Cy Lakes' watershed drains into this reservoir
An ecosystem where fresh water from rivers mix with salt water from the ocean
An area of land that drains into a particular water way such as a stream or river
Fertilizers and animal waste can be the cause of this type of pollution
What excess nutrients can lead to in an aquatic ecosystem
DDT is this type of toxic pollutant whose use can be avoided by using farm methods such as crop rotation
Boats use this equipment to suck up oil contained by floating booms
Oil floats on top of water because it is less ___________ than water
Trash, grass clippings, leaves, twigs and plastics that accumulate in waterways are called __________
Storm drains direct large amount of waters into the sewer system from these types of surfaces
Pollution that comes from multiple sources and that can't be directly identified
Raw sewage or animal waste have disease causing pathogens spread through this type of pollution
The boundaries of separate watersheds defined based on the movement of water into different waterways
Chemicals sprayed on oil slicks that may be toxic to coral reefs
This type of disk is used to measure the turbidity of the water
Pollution from oil, paint or other chemicals
The cause of sediment pollution
Zone of transition between aquatic and land plants
An area of land that frequently has standing water or mud
Percent of oil pollution in the water caused by oil tanker mishaps