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Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention

Common causes of slips in the work environment: Non-secured rugs or mats, wet surfaces, surfaces that do not have the same degree of __________, spilled substances.
__________ is a personal responsibility at your work site.
Human risk factors include: carrying or moving too many objects at one time, __________ or distracted walking, taking shortcuts, and being in a hurry or rushing.
__________ should be inspected before each use for defects and other causes that may result in a fall.
Caused by being too far off center of balance.
Recognizing and respecting the potential ____________is the first step and a key principle for preventing injuries caused by slips, trips and falls.
Occur when the foot or lower leg hits an object and the upper body continues moving or when stepping down to a lower surface, resulting in a loss of balance.
Potential causes of trips in the work environment include: Uneven surfaces, non-secured cables or cords, ___________views, changes in surface elevations.
Many falls occur when items such as __________ and other objects are used as step ladders or other purposes that they are not intended for.
Caused by too little friction or traction between feet/footwear and walking/working surface, resulting in loss of balance.