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Weathering and Erosion

stream beds that only contain water during heavy rains or floods
Rapid, gravity-caused events that move soil, loose rock, and boulders
Any process that moves Earth’s surface to a higher elevation
minerals and rocks at Earth's surface are weakened and broken down from expo- sure to water and gases in the atmosphere.
A mixture of weathered rock, minerals and organic matter, such as decaying plants and animals
When water freezes, expands, and melts in the cracks of rocks
the destructive process that breaks down and changes rocks that are exposed at Earth's surface.
Process of moving weathered material from one location to another
the curves in the stream
Large area of north-south trending mountain ranges and valleys
A naturally occuring, inorganic solid that has a definite chemical composition and an orderly atomic structure
Form of erosion caused mainly by gravity
Large masses of ice and snow.
a wide, flat valley that is located along the sides of some rivers and streams
the breaking of rock into smaller pieces without changing its mineral composition
Rock that is broken down into smaller pieces or is dissolved in water
What is the transported material deposited by a river?
When sediments are laid down in a new location
when the water level in a river rises above the usual height and overflows the sides of its banks
a land form consisting of loose sand and gravel