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RAY KRONE, Inmate Cleared By DNA Evidence

A ________ DNA testing kit, smaller than a suitcase, is now being developed by Great Britain. (415)
DNA testing was done on _______from bite marks found on the victim's Clothing. (412)
Mr. Krone was in the bar where the woman worked as a ________, the night of the murder. (412
The DNA match was made possible because Arizona now has a _________ that contains a DNA profile of every prison inmate.(415)
Krone was tried twice for ______ assault and the stabbing murder. (412)
In 2002, Ray Krone was released from an Arizona ______, after serving ten years. (412)
Krone served in the U.S. Air Force and worked as a Letter Carrier, with no criminal _________. (412)
DNA ________ collected from any crime scene can now be quickly compared to that of any of the millions of convicted offenders in the national database. (415)
The National DNA Index _______ (NDIS), was started in 1998. (415)
This technology has enabled saliva on discarded ______ butts to provide DNA profiles of suspects. (415)