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"The BFG" Crossword - Chapters 1 - 13

The delicious green vegetable that the icky-tasting SNOZZCUMBERS probably look like (C 8)
What you might do while you sleep; one of what the BFG blew into the bedroom (C 7)
The TWO words the BFG used when he talked about people (C 5)
A ray of moonlight (C 1)
The word the BFG used when he actually should have said "CANNIBAL" (C 5)
A cavern or a hollow in the side of a hill or mountain; what the giant lived in (C 4)
The strides the BFG took after he had snatched Sophie were as long as these TWO words (C 3)
The time between sunset and sunrise; the time of day the giants left Giant Country in search of food (C 6)
A place where live animals are kept for show; where the BFG didn't want to live (C 6)
The word the BFG used when he actually meant "CATERPILLARS" (C 7)
What the BFG called a nightmare (C12)
The famous giant-killer (C 13)
The item on Sophie's bed that she hid under (C 3)
The BFG carried THREE items with him - a suitcase, a glass jar and a _____. It's a type of instrument. (C 2)
What Sophie said is one of the things she drinks (C 10)
The TWO words that tell how much taller the BFG was than the tallest human (C 2)
Sophie thought the BFG was going to eat her for which meal (C 3)
Where the BFG told Sophie all dreams is beginning (C 11)
Another name for the bedroom where Sophie and the other girls slept at the orphanage (C 1)
Sophie thought the BFG had this in his legs (C 4)
This word means a person cannot hear; the BFG told Sophie, "You is as _____ as dumpling". (C 7)
How tall the Fleshlumpeating Giant is (THREE words (C 11)
Drops of water that form on the ground at night from vapour in the air; Sophie had these in her hair (C12)
An underground storage room; where the orphans were locked when they were punished (C 7)
Not the country, this word means more than one large fish-shaped sea mammal (C 5)
The smallest animals in the litter; the name the other giants called the BFG (C 9)