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Where did the doctor live in before La Paz and wished he was still there?
What class was Sara marked absent for which resulted in her getting called into the dean's office?
What did Kino eat almost every morning in the beginning of the story which was apart of his usual morning routine?
How much money did Sara win from the essay writing contest in college?
What is Kino's brothers last name?
What did Colonel Brady die from at the end of the story?
What was the last name of the woman that Reb Smolinsky married after his 1st wife passed away?
What class did the teacher that Sara stalked teach?
What city was Hornbeck's newspaper company from as well as himself?
What did the trackers think they were shooting at but it was Coyotito instead?
What was the name of the town that Inherit the Wind took place in?
What song was playing in Kino's head as he was walking back to La Paz after Coyotito's death?
What religion does Colonel Drummond identify as?
Who said this quote? "I do not question or scoff at the miracles of the Lord-as do ye of little faith?
How many kids does Bessie end up taking care of after marrying Zalmon?