Pip’s teacher and the second wife of Joe.
What does Pip play with Estella?
The man who marries Miss Skiffins.
Wemmick works as Mr. Jagger’s what?
After working with Herbert for a few years, he is promoted to what?
Great Expectations is classified as what kind of fiction?
John Dickens, Charles’ father, was put into what prison?
Who is the convict that Pip meets at the marsh and is Pip’s benefactor?
Estella is mean to Pip and makes him what?
Many _____________ served under the reign of Queen Victoria?
Where does Estella go to become an educated lady?
Social Standing is everything for the typical Victorian England who?
Mr. Wopsle was an what in London?
MISSSKIFFINS is Mr. Wemmick's what?
How many months does Pip visit Miss Havisham's house?
Pumplechook is robbed by Orlick and is , Pip’s what?
Charles Dickens was buried where?
Drummle was killed in an accident while mistreating his what?
Charles Dickens wrote how many novellas?
Portsmouth is where Charles Dickens was what?
Who is the adopted daughter of Miss Havisham?
The convict who Magwitch dislikes and wants to kill.
Where did young children spend their time in Victoria England?
Charles Dickens died at home from what?
Pip realizes that the measure of a man is not in wealth and position but in actions and what?
Who is the man that Pip fights at Satis House and later becomes friends with?