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Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Classification where lesions are found in the center of the lobules/ associated with chronic bronchitis
Disease in which there is narrowing, inflammation, and bronchospasm of the airways
Chromosome number that children who have Cystic Fibrosis
Most common medication given to open up constricted airways
Reported to be one of the most common symptoms in COPD
Patients have a _____ elastic recoil
One of the five CBABE's that is an obstructive disorder
Considered to be this part of a disease
Narrowing of the airways is due to
Considered to be the worst case of bronchiectasis; Don't want secretions to accumulate and pop
Chronic bronchitis patients are also called
Severe asthma attack that does not respond to treatment
Emphysema patient's are also called
Type of sweat test where CF patients are monitored to see if they have the disease
Careful monitoring of this medication is used as a bronchodilator for COPD patients
Another name for an increased chest diameter
COPD patients are positioned like this to let air out through their mouth
Diagnosing COPD can be used with a post-_________ spirometry
Type of asthma where you are exposed to a certain allergen; is hypersensitive and family related
GOLD guidelines define COPD as an airflow limitation that is not fully....
Primary cause of COPD in patients