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Restaurant Terms and Etiquette


A group of people at a table.
When a kitchen runs out of a dish it is referred to as this number.
POS is an acronym for this. A computer system used to help track sales and run businesses, often used in restaurants.
The part of the restaurant guests are not allowed. 3 words
Fork tines and spoons should be faced in this direction.
The area of the restaurant where guests are allowed. 3 words
Another word for a waitress or waiter.
A table with two seating spaces.
Utensils without a cutting edge, such as a fork or spoon.
A slang term for a well done hamburger. 2 words
The chef responsible for all the sauteed items and all their sauces.
Putting the food on the plate. This includes the sauce and garnish
A French word used in culinary meaning "Everything in it's place." 3 words
Non-stemmed drinking glasses are called this.
When finished eating, place your knife and fork _________across the plate.
How fast tables empty and fill during a shift. 2 words.
You should always pass food in this direction.
When eating, don't put this part of your arm on the table.
Another word for the main course.
Plates, Cups, Saucers and bowls are called this.
A restaurant term for customer.
To suggest a higher priced item.
A glass with a stem and round base such as a wine glass.
Bread plates should be placed on this side above the plate.
Knives and spoons are on this side of the plate.
Term used for clearing off and resetting tables after guests have left.
To give something away for free.