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Ch(4) Energy, The Big Question

A material that conducts heat well
The temperature scale on which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees
The transfer of thermal energy from one particle of matter to another
The transfer of thermal energy from a warmer object to a cooler object
The movement of a fluid caused by differences in temperature that transfers heat from one part of a fluid to another
The temperature on which water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees
The force that two surfaces have on each other when they rub against each other
The transfer of heat by movement of a fluid
The temperature scale on which zero is the temperature at which no more energy can be removed from matter
A form of energy that is stored in chemical bonds between atoms
Energy of electrical charges
A material that does not conduct heat well
The temperature at which no more energy can be removed from matter
The ability to do work or cause change