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Person flees home to escape danger
Peasants of Eggypt
Land farthest west for the Muslim empire
Large groups of merchants traveled together
This country is seaport for Ethiopia
Loss of vegetation
Government with one ethnic group ruling others
The name of the longest river in the world
Land formed at mouth of river when river slows
Food for grazing animals
In 1970, this was completed on the Nile river
Arab parts of town centered around Mosque
Irrigation that building walls to trap flood waters for growing crops
This country fought civil war since 1956. Struggling by famine.
The name of desert east of Nile
Irrigation that water used for irriation all through year
In 1950's, oil and natural gas were discovered in this country. 96% of total export
Land stripped of trees
Land cut off from sea
this country is one of the landlocked countried and it has plateau with fertile soil
Egypt made peace treaty with this country
Dry riverbeds and sharp gullies that cross Sahara
The name of desert west of Nile
This country gained independende in 1960. still tension inside and outside
Natural or artificial lake used to store water for human needs
Open air market
Market areas