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Mid-Term Comprehensive Review

Clear, gel-like fluid inside a cell
Large macromolecules that do not dissolve in water; fats that are energy rich
Factors that control traits
Trait that is covered up
Movement of substances through cell membrane by using cell's energy
Process that converts energy in food into a usable form of energy called ATP
Organisms that cannot make their own food
Passages that carry proteins and other material from one part of the cell to another
Cells that do not have a nuclues
Period of cell cycle of a cell's growth and development; DNA and organelles replicate
Process during which a cell takes in a substance by surrounding it with the cell membrane
Organisms that produce their own food from light energy
Flexible covering that protects the inside of a cell from the environment
Different forms of genes
Male sex cell
Smallest unit of life
Organism's physical appearance
Process that requires oxygen
Process by which number of chromosomes is halved to form sex cells
Cycle of growth, development and division that most cells go through
Movement of substances through cell membrane without using energy
Process by which molecules pass through a cell membrane using transport proteins
Structure on which genes are located
Reaction that releases energy from food without using oxygen
Pigment that captures light energy
Trait that is seen
Macromolecule made of one or more sugar molecules that store energy
Organelles that produce energy for the cell