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Care of Patients with Hematologic Problems

Cancer with uncontrolled production of immature WBCs in the bone marrow
Includes all lymphoid cancers that do not have the Reed-Sternberg cell, spreads in a less orderly fashion
A cancer cell type that is a marker for Hodgkin's lymphoma
Common symptom after bone marrow harvesting
Definitive test for leukemia
Involved in multiple myeloma, secretes antibodies in excess
Therapy that consists of combination chemotherapy at time of diagnosis
The most common assessment finding in Hodgkin's lymphoma is a large but painless _____ ____.
With leukemia, platelet function is _______.
As this disease progresses; bone fractures, hypertension, infection, hypercalcemia, and fluid imbalance may occur
Name of chromosome often found to be positive in ALL and CML
Bone marrow transplantation from a sibling or matched unrelated donor
A temperature elevation should be ________ immediately in a patient with leukemia.
Cancers of lymphoid tissues with abnormal overgrowth of lymphocytes
There is an increased risk for _________ with leukemia due to changes in immunity
Fever, night sweats, and unplanned weight loss
Successful transplantation of stem cells in the patient's bone marrow
Risk for adult-onset leukemia increases with ___.