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Lesson 9 & 10

An abusive criticism or attack
Something that blocks; an obstruction
A stroke
To defame; to disparage
False; counterfeit; doubtful
To seek to improve through punishment; to discipline
Black magic; witchcraft
Light emitted by means other than burning
A crown or headband worn as a sign of authority
Pertaining to a diameter
To give a sketchy outline
Shining; luminous
To make clear or plain; to clarify
Lacking color, vitality, or interest; dull
Easy to understand
To punish; to criticize severely; to chastise
Extreme offense; resentment
A private, exclusive or secretive meeting
A person who forsakes their own principles, religion, or allegiance
A cover for a coffin or tomb
Any group migration or flight from a country
An object that gives light
To make less severe; to alleviate
Very clear in meaning or style
To assemble people for a specific purpose
A keyboard instrument with strings
To speak in protest or disapproval
Any widespread destruction
Someone who lives alone and avoids company; a hermit
A country mostly or entirely enclosed by another country