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Chapter 1 - Intro to Patho

Hannah Lehrer MSN, RN
Programmed cell death.
Indicates the disease rates within a group.
An example of this would be immunizations against diseases, controlling potential hazards in the home, and regular exams/screening tests.
When the disease is caused by a medical treatment, procedure, or error.
Refers to the identification of a specific disease through evaluation of signs and symptoms, laboratory tests, or other tools.
Refers to an area of necrotic tissue that has been invaded by bacteria.
An example of this would be patient support groups, cardiac rehabilitation programs, or chronic pain management programs.
____ necrosis occurs when fatty tissue is broken down into fatty acids in presence of infection or certain enzymes. Frequently due to infection.
The term used when a group of cells die.
Term applied to an area of dead cells resulting from lack of oxygen. Example: after a myocardial infarction (heart attack).
_________ prevention focuses on helping people manage complicated, long term health problems.
__________ necrosis occurs when cell proteins are altered or denatured. Example: after a myocardial infarction (heart attack).
________ necrosis is a form of coagulation necrosis which a thick, yellowish substance forms. Example: tuberculosis (TB).
_______ prevention's interventions happen after an illness or serious risk factors have already been diagnosed.
Exists when pathologic changes occurs, but not obvious manifestations are exhibited by the patient.
Reduced oxygen in the tissue.
Decreased supply of oxygenated blood to a tissue or organ, due to circulatory obstruction.
Defines the probability or likelihood for recovery or other outcomes.
May be performed after death to determine the exact cause of death or to determine the course of the illness and effectiveness of treatment.
A specific local change in tissue.
Refers to the development of the disease or the sequence of evens involved in the tissue changes related to the specific disease process.
When the cause of the disease is unknown.
Measures designed to preserve health and prevent the incidence or spread of a disease.
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and HIV/AIDS are considered ___________ diseases where the physician must report the diagnosis to designated authorities.
Excision of very small amounts of living tissue.
Refers to the causative factors in a particular disease.
________ prevention's goal is to protect healthy people from developing a disease or experiencing an injury in the first place.