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Infection Control: Principles and Practices

Also known as sanitizing; a chemical process for reducing the number of disease - causing germs on cleaned surfaces to a safe level
A ringworm fungus of the foot
A set of guidelines published by OSHA that require the employer and the employees to assume that all human blood and fluids are infectious for bloodborne pathogens
A parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in cells of biological organisms.
An item that is made or constructed of a material that has no pores or openings and cannot absorb liquids
Common household bleach; an effective disinfectant for the salon
Disinfectants that kill the bacteria that causes tuberculosis
A disease caused by bacteria that are transmitted through coughing or sneezing
Immunity that is partly inherited and partly developed through healthy living
Also known as barber's itch; a superficial fungal infection that commonly affects the skin. It is primarily limited to the bearded areas of the face and neck or around the scalp
Pus-forming bacteria that grow in clusters like a bunch of grapes. They cause abscesses, pustules, and boils.
Illness resulting from conditions associated with employment, such as prolonged and repeated overexposure to certain products or ingredients
Spiral or corkscrew-shaped bacteria that cause diseases such as syphilis and Lyme disease
Also known as disposable. Items that cannot be used more than once. These items cannot be properly cleaned so that all visible residue is removed - such as pumice stones used for pedicures - or they are damaged or contaminated by cleaning and disinfecting
A fluid created by infection
Powerful tuberculocidal disinfectants. They are a form of formaldehyde, have a very high pH, and can damage skin and eyes
Pus-forming bacteriaarranged in curved lines resembeling a string of beads. They cause infections such as strep throat and blood poisoning
Harmful microorganisms that can cause disease or infection in humans when the invade the body.
The process that completely destroys all microbial life, including spores
Harmless microorganisms that may perform useful functions and are safe to come in contact with since they do not cause disease or harm
A contagious skin disease that is caused by the itch mite, which burrows under the skin
Organisms that grow, feed, and shelter on or in another organism. Parasites must have a host to survive
Disease that affects the body as a whole, often due to under-functioning of internal glands or organs. This disease is carried through the blood stream or the lymphatic system
Various poisonous substances produced by some microorganisms (bacteria and viruses)