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Tectonic Crossword Puzzle By: Helen

Breaks in the earth's crust that have slipped past each other to form boundarys
A fold in rock that forms a valley
The force that squeezes rock until it folds or breaks
The lithosphere is broken up into sections called_________
A force that stretches rock so it becomes thinner in the middle
A well tested concept that explains a wide range of observations
A molten mixture of rock forming substances, gasses, and water from within the mantle
The block that lies below in a fault
A major volcanic belt that rims the Pacific ocean
A fold in a rock that forms an arch
A theory that states that pieces of earth's lithosphere are in slow, constant movement
The block of land in a fault that lies above
A string of islands that forms when magma rises near a subduction zone
An area where material from within the mantle rises and melts, forming magma
A weak spot in the earth's crust where magma comes to the surfice
Stress that pushes two masses of rock in opposite directions
A deep valley that appears along a divergent boundary
A force that acts on rock to change its shape or volume
A device that bounces sound waves off underwater objects
The process by which ocean crust sinks beneath a deep ocean trench and into the mantle